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.Sunday, September 12, 2010 ' 5:15 PM Y

Blogging nao cause its sooo damn bored ;eeks. ppl intro wo smth to do ley :l I'm 'done' with my homework le loh -o- keeping myself occupied with work, learning a few dance moves and playing the keyboard. :l Not bad right? All these stuffs still enough to make wo bored -.- Sigh.. I just have the feeling that I'm being used.. Not implying anything. Maybe cause of my own emotions that are making me sicker by the day. And yea.. I guess I've really fallen sick but who cares man? (: Die jiu die loh. :D Nobody cares too (: Maybe the people around me would feel even better if i died LOL. Who knows? (: . Well... Nothing much for this holiday except 1 word to describe it. BORING~ ._. Tmr's gonna start school le. 1 more month. Will strive to do my best le. No more slacking. :l Either i will drop or retain class bah. :l With my suckish results, yea~ why not? (: LOL. Jus felt that this post has sooo damn much unhappiness in it and so many unfulfilled wishes. Speaking of which, unfulfilled wishes.. Sigh. :l Guess they ain't gonna come true. Wish and wait all you want yea~ Come on ErnestTan! Wake up from your fcking dreams and start to live in reality and accept the fact that's facing you. New term, new looks. Gues i should start it with a new personality too. (: Guess my post shall end here yea?. Bye.

.Tuesday, August 31, 2010 ' 5:54 PM Y

Back to post! :D

Well, firstly I would like to wish all the teachers a very Happy Teacher's Day! :D Hope you'll enjoy today and tomorrow! :D Had quite a fun day at school today xD Woke up around 5.30 and went to prepare. Bus-ed down to bus stop and waited for jj. Later comer! -.-! Went to collect the food and snacks from xe and sean then went to school. Reached school around 6.50? :x . Went to hall for aces day O: Lame TTM loh. ._. waste time de -.- ended around 8.30? then went back to have class bonding :D Played a game whereby u have to hold a poker card on your forehead without looking at it, then only your friends can see it. The person who has the largest number will have to do a forfeit xD Your friends will try to trick you into changing the card. :x lucky me, i nvr tio dao xD Cp and sam had to do a forfeit! ( Which is to drink coke+peach tea+green tea+ sprite+ice lemon tea + snacks inside ) Super fun siol! <3 Hahahahas! Played with Yuzhong, Kim, Zifan, Daniel, JingZhi, Zach and Sam. xD Played till time to pack up. :x Junior suddenly call ask wo to go his class LOL. Told him to come down i give him snacks to eat, he came with another 1 LOL.  Went to hall for performance~ Only like the last performance! B2ST - shock! <3 Best dance I've seen so far among all. :x After school went back to primary school with matha,  xiaonard, zhengfeng, jasper and choon siang. Went to eat! <3 Super nice (Y) Long time never eat primary school de food then 'ping ming' eat xD hahahahas! After that went to play basketball. :D Super fun sia, can slamdunk de xD. Shoot 3 pointer also don't need jump or anything de :D Hahas! xD After that vivanN came. (: Went to shuqun pri after awhile cause veh sian x.x Met Junjie outside gate then went in to find danard and chenpang :D Slacked there till 2plus bus back with zhengfeng to yuhua pri slack. Bought bubbletea  before boarding bus (: slack at yuhua pri till 3 then went back home. HSH at 3.30. O: Now audi-ing with Penpen~ :D Yh coming later to maple LOL xD K, wo go bathe 1st~ Needa continue audi-ing.
Ciaos~ <3

.Sunday, August 29, 2010 ' 12:10 AM Y

Yo peepo! Back to revive my dead blog ( just for today ) as somebody requested me to post, so yea~ why not since I'm bored too. :x .

Woke up at 8plus, down to market for breakfast as usual~ back home at 10. Used comp till 12 and tuition started~ Ended at 2plus. Quickly bathed and went for my dental appointment @ 3pm. Reach there at 2.45 and there was nobody so went in 1st. :x Changed the colours of my braces to red (top) and orange~ (bottom) Looks weird loh. x.x next month gonna put colourful le. :x . Cfm chio dead 1 -beams- LOL. :x slacked awhile outside then went to bus down to safra. Nobody was there when i reached. :\ Sat for like 10mins Yh and Zijie came. Went to ishi mura as zijie wanted to eat his dinner @ 5 LOL. :x (so damn early luh..) After that Matha and Jiahao came and joined us. While waiting for zijie and yh to eat finish, Jj and Justin came O: Followed by Yj and Yijie. After that went down to play L4D2~ Played 1hour+ versus mode then watched them played campaign mode and danard and co. dota. (: Zifan Zhilong and JingZhi were there too from 12pm LOL. Freaking early sia. ._. They played till 9plus then went to have dinner at Ishi Mura~ Had a hard time deciding what to eat LOL. (Cause of my braces -.-) In the end settled for baked pasta. Finished eating then everyone ( yh, zj, jj, justin, jiahao, danard, zhilong, yj, yijie) went to BP slack. Zijie dunno what happened to him, walk halfway kena rammed by a roller blading guy LOL. Was laughing like hell lor xD Walked awhile then slacked at the swing-like thingy. :x Everybody took turns to play it LOL. Except for zhilong! (th humji kia) LOL. Dunno why he dun dare to play. :\ In the end we grabbed him and tried to put him on it but failed so danard 'aluba' him. LOL. He was crying out for my name and idk why LOL. Maybe cause i betrayed him xP Oops~ :x Slacked till 10+ then went to bus le. 187 with danard, zhilong and jj. HSH @ 11 and was kp-ed by my mom -.- Oh wdv~ Going out to buy food and drinks for Teacher's Day party on tuesday tomorrow. (: . Nights le~ Tired liao. Tmr still got tuition -.- Like spammed tuition for me lor :\ Totally no rest de ._. Stress dead.


Ernest T.
Ichiro Aburakoji. ♥
26th day of the 4th month is the day.
Currently 15.
Ex- Yuhua Nite.
Current Fuhua-nite.

Views Since 26 Dec'09

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3s6 '10♥